
Emergencies can, and do, happen at any time. Being prepared and discussing emergency situations with your dentist is the best way to save valuable time and stress in the unfortunate situation of a dental emergency. Knowing what to do can be the difference between losing and saving a tooth. Always have your dentist’s number readily available in the case of an emergency.

You should always contact your dentist right away in an emergency situation. If you lose a permanent tooth, try to keep it moist while you get to the dentist. You can try placing it back in the socket if that is not painful, or between your cheek and gums. If that is not possible, placing it in milk can help improve the chances of saving the tooth.

If you crack a tooth or bite your tongue or lip, rinse your mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. For toothaches or objects stuck in your mouth, gently use floss to clean the area and remove any debris. Do not put aspirin on your teeth or gums and never use a sharp object on your teeth.

Wearing a mouthguard during physical activity will help protect your teeth. And avoid chewing foods like ice, popcorn kernels, or hard candy to reduce the chances of cracking a tooth. Also, refrain from cutting or tearing objects with your teeth.

If you have a dental emergency, contact us immediately.


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